Monday, June 14, 2010

SESSION ONE "The Pot Thickens"


Hanna gets an unusual call from her mentor Brokk. “You need to get to the Tower pronto.”
Agent Chris Blair gets a similar call, only this comes from a mysterious woman named Lilly, who Chris believes might be linked to the Summer Court. Lilly tells Chris he would be wise to be at the Viking Tower at 3:30.
Derek is leaving a gig near Caz’s when Johnny Ravenclaw literally bowls into him, quite agitated. “You need to get to Viking Tower man! Something big’s going down!”

Scene Change “Viking Tower”

The three meet in the lobby of Viking Tower. The woman at the information counter tells Hanna she’s expected on 44.
A few minutes later they speak with Brokk, who tells them that Raven’s Pot (Ymir’s Cauldron) was recently stolen from a museum in town. Bad things always happen when the pot get’s stolen. Before he can say much more he literally disappears.
Soon after, the building shakes, security screens cover the windows and the power goes out. By emergency lighting, Hanna calls her Monoc supervisor, Mr. Oliver. He’s surprised to find she’s in the building, but instructs her that something big and scary is going down on the top floor.
Defying all fire codes known to man and gods alike, the three ride the elevator to floor 79, where they find a fiery mess.
Making their way carefully to the stairs, they find then find a bloody mess. Weapons drawn, they step through the doors and are confronted by a horrible sight. A hulking creature that seems to be some cross between grizzly, goat and rune covered demon looks at them with two sets of eyes. It’s covered in blood and gore and standing amidst dead and dismembered former Viking employees and a shattered circle.
And it’s really fast.
Before Hanna, Blair and Derek can do much more than gawk, the creature takes Derek by the throat and hoists him high, threatening to rip his head off if anyone moves.
No one moves.
The creature names itself as Ursiel, a member of the order of the Blackened Denarius. It informs them that it will return what it has taken in exchange for the Cauldron. It then tosses Derek across the room and jumps into a black hole in the floor.
In the aftermath, Blair looks over the scene, finding: The circles were meant as containment. Some of the employees were valkyrie. Other feathers were found too. Hanna finds a survivor who informs her that Odin’s spear, Gungnir, was stolen. As firefighters and the police arrive, Hanna calls Mr. Oliver and leaves the building.

Scene Change “Caz’s Bar”

They confront Johnny Ravenclaw at Caz’s. He tries to bolt but Hanna’s too fast for him. As his stoic friends look on, Hanna, Derek and Agent Blair question him. They get nothing. It’s as if he’s been magically kept from spilling the beans. He actually passes out.
Hanna calls Brokk, finding out that he isn’t in Tulsa, and that wasn’t him in the office earlier. He suggests that it was probably his brother, Sindri, a real bad egg.
On their short walk back to their vehicles, Blair spots Gruff’s falling from the sky and staking out spots outside of Caz’s.
The trio head back to “question” these new players.
They get very little in the way of information before the Gruffs attack. Derek and Hanna make short work of them, sending them both screaming back into the never never. The two in the back of the building are likewise dealt with by an unknown source (thought to be Worm, the bar owner/dragon or possibly some really powerful wards).
Heading back into the bar, they get a talking-to by Worm before offering Johnny and his social club a ride to the local catholic church.

Scene Change “The massive catholic church.”

The group is let in by Charlie, a little “mentally challenged” boy.
They meet Robyn, the head groundskeeper, who seems to know Johnny and be concerned for his welfare. Though she’s put off somewhat by Derek, she gives the group a limited information dump, telling them a little more about the Denarians and explaining that the cauldron in their hands could create all kinds of wickedness. She’s really not all that helpful before kicking them out.

In the alley outside, the group meets Barnabus, a mutt with the lowdown. In exchange for a bacon flavored potion, he tells them they really need to contact Old Chauncy if they want to find out what’s really going on. Hanna has her reservations about dealing with a demon, but hey, who knows.

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